The Descent
Hi All! Wanted to re-establish my blogging presence not with yet another pathetic apology/promise to blog more often. Instead, I am informing you all of a movie you simply must see if you a) like scary things b) have claustrophobia and c) enjoy the social advancement of women. Or, really, if you have any combination of the above qualities. I saw this movie yesterday with my buddy Chris Hassiotis and I must say I was very pleasantly surprised. And terrified. And squirmily-uncomfortable. I am sure we are all aware/tired of the useless women that appear in most horror movies. Not since Laurie Strode has there been a heroine worth seeing in a horror movie (with the possible exception of Sydney in Scream). Not so any longer! Gone are the days of the vapid, busty, expansively expendible girlfriend types. No more squeaky, useless screaming or gratuitous nude scenes (tho I will say I don't understand why one particular character in this movie had to be wearing a push up sports bra, but whatever). The women in this film (and this film is peopled entirely with women) are badasses---rockclimbing, white water rafting, spelunking their way to an entirely fulfilling horror flick. Despite it being all estrogen all the time, there is no lack of gore or expendible characters or stunning feats of kick-the-monster's-ass. Best part? The action takes place in our own Appelachian back yard.
I can't say enough about this movie. There's even a small amount of sympathy elicited for the monsters themselves, in the best "they can't help the way they are" kind of way. Love this movie. Love you people.
Let's hear it for being back!
Glad you're back up. Love ya', Daddums
Whoo-hoo! Amy's back in A-town. Celebrate good times - come on!
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