Curiouser and Curiouser!

Coyness can stop you from saying all the things in life you want to.

27 April 2006

You Can Blame Stephen

Since Stephen has complained that I never post anything anymore, I am now going to regale you all with Terrifying Tales of My Exam Exploits.


How does one choose the proper water resources allocation system? Does the President truly have the power to designate federal lands as Wilderness Areas without going through the Constitutionally-mandated legislative process? What constitutes a "major federal action" for purposes of NEPA compliance? If you were to undergo actions on your land which could "significantly impact the critical habitat of a listed species" would you rather have a section 10 incidental takings permit or a Biological Opinion which would provide the framework in which you could legally shoot, shovel, and shut up?


What is the proper test for determining whether libel has been printed with "actual malice?" Who is a public figure for purposes of defamation? Does the Establishment Clause mean "freedom of religion" or "freedom from religion?" Will Alito really mean the erosion of abortion rights? Does Scalia bathe? What constitutes "just compensation" in takings cases? Does an act without speech constitute "expression" protected by the First Amendment? What's the difference between "obscentity" and "pornography?"

GASP! EGADS! RECOIL! Please tell me it's not the LEGISLATION ARCHFIEND!!

If the Supreme Court has spoken and Congress does not address the holding in a relevant statute, does silence equal consent? Should the Court seek to effectuate legislative intent? If so, how? Would a textualist agree that Congress should enact Federal Rules of Stautory Interpretation? Does expressio unius mandate the exclusion of certain similar examples if there is a non-exhaustive list used? Should grammar trump obvious intent? Should the statute be read as a whole or should each section stand alone? Does the Civil Rights Act of 1964 anticipate affirmative action programs? Should the Court construe statutes narrowly to avoid questions of constitutional scope?


Will the Pickens County Commissioner agree to an overlay zone which will effectively expand all of the EHCP regulations to include the ideal protection area and thus protect this unique natural resource from the degradation inherent in Atlanta's outward expansion? Will I fail in my efforts to Save the World?!

What will become of our hero as she Fights Against the Sands of Time? Will the answers come to her in a dream? On the top of a mountain in Tibet? Will she be able to counter the forces of evil which stand in the way of Now and The End of the Semester?

Stay tuned, Kids! Don't let our hero wander in the wilderness alone!


At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just so the whole readership (I believe we are up to 5 now), I was not complaining. I was merely making an observation.

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Adrian Pritchett said...

Put the Establishment Clause in a jar with the Free Exercise Clause and let me know who gets eaten.

At 9:28 PM, Blogger Ned said...

There is not ONE SINGLE link in your entire blog.

I can't say I'm not disappointed.

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Amy said...

i think, nedtini, that you can blame stephen for that too.

At 10:53 AM, Blogger GeorgeBS said...

Misspelled statutory, ma DC.

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Amy said...

well, dad. guess that just typifies the entire final exam experience.


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