Curiouser and Curiouser!

Coyness can stop you from saying all the things in life you want to.

13 June 2005

Peep Show--Keep on Peepin' On

Peepin' it Real Posted by Hello
This is the official shout-out to the Savannah kids who let me crash their Peep Show party this weekend at the Poultry Days ultimate tournament. Two days of fun but soggy ultimate, the best rotisserie chicken I have ever had the pleasure of putting in my mouth, ghetto-fabulous cosmopolitans, and the discovery that people are remarkably receptive to being "Peeped" (an activity which calls for an invasion of the opposition's huddle and bombing them with Peeps). I consumed my first Peep over the weekend. I found it slimy but pleasantly sugary. I don't know if I will make a habit of eating them, but they are not as vile as I initially imagined. The Peep theme came from the fact that all the teams had poultry-related team names. We chose that scion of chicken-shaped preservatives, the Peep. Peep Show went 3-3 this weekend, with an unfortunate loss to a really aggressively annoying team out of Indiana (Hoosierchicken). But a good time was had by all and I am infinitely grateful that I was allowed to crash the party.

The road trips involved in this tournament process were also a pretty good time. I rode up with Wooten and Jam and on the way back we added Gwinner. Turns out that Gwinner and I were in Belize together way back in '96. Small world. On the trip home we all stopped and ate at Rio the Santa Fe Grill where you can apparently purchase such delicacies as a fried chunk of pork and umm umm delicious onions, according to the menu, but you cannot make the waiter bring you coffee. Ah well. I had servicable ceviche on tortillas that made me angry. Along the way I took pictures of a Mini tricked out with airplane wings and a tail and this enormous stone Jesus outside of the Solid Rock Church. But I can't figure out the internet so they will not be posted. But take it from me, had you seen the pictures, your life would not have been the same.

So that's my weekend in a nutshell. Frisbee, chicken, road trip. Can you think of a more powerful triumvirate?


At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI- Gary Falcon, who is one of the two minds behind , worked at Emory for a while. He was pretty much worshipped, and some of my friends and I took him out to dinner once. We talked about peeps. And other stuff. But mostly peeps.

Also, I feel threatened by this "top model" girl crush . . .

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Amy said...

now now kq. you won't be replaced. you have proximity on her, if nothing else.

At 1:45 PM, Blogger hillary said...

Amy, just found your blog through Gardner and am wondering if you know my sister, who is big-time UPA: Pauline Lauterbach.

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Amy said...

she played for brown back when i played for georgia, tho i'm one of the non-entities that the likes of pauline wouldn't know from adam's housecat. up for callahan in 2002, if i'm not mistaken? she was robbed. small world, eh?

At 2:55 PM, Blogger hillary said...

Nah, she wasn't robbed. She's still got the trophy at home, minus bits of its arms.

She knows everybody. It's really funny to me that my sister is this celebrity in a world I don't even know that well. But props to her nonetheless.


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