Curiouser and Curiouser!

Coyness can stop you from saying all the things in life you want to.

10 October 2005

I'm Only Going to Say This Once

1) Anything that makes my Boyfriend this sad makes me want to put my thumbs in the eyes of any Astro, preferably the ones that got runs.

2) That being said. Here's my take: we won Game Four, pushed it to Game Five, and then only lost by one run in the bottom of the ninth. Think about it. It took 18 innings for 'em to get us. Farnsworth knows his role. He'll beat himself up. And then Next Year Things Will Be Different. I say Huzzah to Bobby for getting us No. 14 when every single odd was against him. Huzzah for Smoltz proving once again that he's the Most Badass Pitcher (including Clemens: it's all nice that he can relieve twice in his career whereas Smoltz could make a full career out of either role). Huzzah for our rookies coming in and stepping up and showing the world what Heart looks like. Huzzah indeed. And yes. Sad that we are eliminated again. But far from saying, "If we don't win a World Series we suck" I'll say instead, "We have a consistently awesome team every friggin' year. Go Braves."

3) Next year will depend on us having a good bullpen. We get our bullpen back, Braves rock the faces off the stupid American leaguers next year.

Now. If only I can get Langerhans to stop cheating on me with his fiancee...


At 6:56 PM, Blogger Ned said...

Not sure what this round-disc sport is you are talking about...but as for your boyfriend...I'm sorry.

At 11:58 AM, Blogger KQ said...

new post! new post! :)


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