Curiouser and Curiouser!

Coyness can stop you from saying all the things in life you want to.

13 November 2005

Chucktown Gender Warfare

Went to Charleston this weekend for 11^2, the great Internet Porn reunion. First leg was a roadtip with O-Face and Dino, which took about an hour longer than it should've but was punctuated with such memorable moments as, "That church as a nipple on it," and "Oh my God! Look at that scary stop man head's face!" And I think it worth noting that O-Face is the only person I know that will carry an entire bookbag into Wendy's because the chapstick is attached to it. Too much effort to detach said 'stick, you see. Oh, and then lift the entire bag to apply the chapstick (please see above explanation of Effort). Eventually we did finally roll into Charleston where the boys (and Corr and That Guy on the Couch) were watching Half-Baked and drinking Miller High Life Tall Boys (MHLTB). The decision was eventually made to go downtown and, despite O-Face's debilitating age, we did manage to Have the Fun. Pool. Sandwiches. I think I screamed at Nash on the phone at one point. Good Times. Saturday dawned with a minimum of hangovers. There was some College Gameday television watched and then the boys decided to play poker and indulge in MHLTB. And the girls took one look at this development and split. Hooray for Girl's Day in Downtown! We ate! We shopped! We drank cosmopolitans on a roof! It was fantastic. And we were very very glad that we decided to go this route when we arrived back at Casa de MRN^2 only to discover unclean drunk boys, one of which had moments before spit onto the kitchen floor (he'll remain nameless but it was Acuff). Girls rule and boys drool. In an effort to maintain Corr's and Nash's relationship and to try to find the drunk boys Funny, I started bartending for the ladies. Drinking and watching the Georgia game ensued. Which was followed by me being PISSED (in two ways). Then the great Nut Cup/Clit Cup tournament which was never finished because we all passed out watching Anchorman. And then this morning happened. And now I'm home.

I think that the MVP for Party Guy goes to Wilbur. Because he's "not belligerent" when he's drunk, he likes to spill stuff, and it's really really funny to watch him get manhandled when he won't get off the floor. So here's to you, Party Guy. Oh, and a special mention too for your honorable performance during the Fist Fight. Russel is gay.


At 9:49 AM, Blogger Ned said...

Acuff spits? Russel is gay?

More shocking revelations next installment!


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